Renewed Partnership Between Mary Johnston Hospital and Manila Cathedral School
A post-pandemic partnership resumption between Mary Johnston Hospital and Manila Cathedral School took place last February 10, 2025. Being a Work Immersion Program of Senior High Students taking up the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Strand), it focuses on building academic excellence and health care education among students. This promises to be a window of learning toward potential allied health courses. Students will have hands-on experience in a hospital setting, being exposed to the Nursing Wards, Pharmacy Unit, Physical Rehabilitation Unit, Laboratory Department and Radiology Unit of our health facility.This will give them a bird’s eye view of possible career paths, focusing on health care and medical science fields. It is worthy to note that this work immersion program collaboration has produced graduates like Nilo Palajos, Julianna Dela Fuente, and Reign Dineros, who are registered nurses and are now part of the health force at our facility. In an interview, Reign Dineros (Labor Room Staff Nurse) shared her insights about the work immersion. “My experience was fulfilling because we have rotated in different areas of the hospital, after which, we were able to share our takeaways in our post- conference evaluation”. Additionally, she gladly shared the benefit of the work immersion. “I saw how nursing works and revolves with passion, dedication and excellence. The lesson I learned during our work immersion helped me to pursue Nursing. Finally, I passed the board exam, got hired and became part of the Nursing Service Department”.