Mary Johnston Hospital

Author name: Sarah Garduque

Rev. Sarah R. Garduque is the current Spiritual Health Officer of MJH, and supervises the CPE(Clinical Pastoral Education) of MJH. She is a graduate of Master of Divinity at Union Theological Seminary in Dasmarinas Cavite, Philippines.


Mary Johnston Hospital Bible Week 2025

Presidential Proclamation #124 declares the month of January as National Bible Month. The National Bible month celebrations were led by Rev. Sarah Garduque. Emphasis was given to have our communities acknowledge the significance of the Bible in their lives and our nation. In observing this special month at Mary Johnston Hospital, we highlight the Bible’s enduring impact on our culture, values, and faith. We honor its teachings, stories, and messages of love, hope, and redemption. Words of encouragement and welcome from one of our respected Board of Trustees, Atty. Robinson Landicho, and an Inspirational Bible Talk message from our beloved Executive Director, Dr. Glenn Paraso, reflected on Romans 15:4 “For whatever was written for our instruction, that through endurance and encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.” Further, “The scriptures serve as a guide, offering wisdom and principles to live by…celebrating Bible Week is a way to honor this timeless source of guidance, endurance, and hope….“


Go M.A.D!

“This is a life changing experience!” This is what Nurse Dwight shout out during his testimony on the recent Spiritual Retreat that took place in CCT just this May 9-10,2024. As part of the Healing Together ministry of the institution, the MJHCORD ( Mary Johnston Hospital Community Of Redeemed Doctors), the Interns, Residents and Consultants had a mountaintop experience in the recently concluded retreat, with the theme:” Go Make A Difference.” The retreat was well planned and prayed for, resulting to their success story. All lecturer’s lessons centered on the Grace of Faith inspired from Ephesians 2:8-10, “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. 10 For we are workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good work, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. This eventually filled the objective of the retreat: ” To develop leaders in the medical team making a life of difference through a renewed life by having a genuine relationship with Jesus Christ. As encapsulated by Doc. Ida Javier (one of the consultant) said,” “Thank you so much for such a wonderful…retreat day! It was a day of rich blessings and renewal much needed. I really appreciate all the work, discernment, and organization you put into making it a meaningful day! “

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