Dr. David Scott, Director of Mission and Theology and Strategic Planning visited the Mary Johnston Hospital on a recent engagement with the UMC Headquarters. It was an eye opener for Dr. Scott, on this his first visit, to see the different ministries and history of the facility as marked and lived through its 118 years. Partnering with the Global Ministries Board has played a significant role in the health systems strengthening portion of the infrastructure and capacities of the facility.

He was delighted to hear of the eight varied health innovations and legacies of the hospital covering – 1) Project 111 (One room, one church, one hospital) a participatory healing space initiative where partners become part of a weekly patient-centered healing prayer item request hour and room renovation legacy ;
2) MJ Green – Renewable energies for health equity, where 1072 installed solar panels are saving 22-25% of fossil fuel generated electricity, a portion of the savings then subsidizes diagnostics and treatment for HIV AIDs, and Tuberculosis indigent patients

3) Wesleyan Medical Health Systems as expansion sites of contiguous episcopal areas setting up Diagnostic health centers branded as ‘Inner Health’ and partnering with Methodist institutions for health worker exchange
4) Mary Johnston Learning Institute (MJLI) housing the Rebecca Parrish Scholarship for advanced higher learning and events
5) Red Flame Initiative (RFI) where partner blood donors from churches form a ministry for saving lives, produced by our own blood center, given free to needing members

6) Legacy Wall, an endowment fund partnership building for future-proofing the hospital resources 7) Child1st, a community-based partnership with accredited midwives for birthing services
8) Wheels of Wellness (WOW), a mobile health and wellness van promoting primary health care and increasing access to health. Dr. Scott ended with a heartful encouragement to MJH that as we do mission from everywhere to everywhere, God becomes a palpable presence to those that need Him.